MORE About Me

     This is the glorious and magnificent page where you can read all about me! ... Just in case you're really that bored.

Most of the Tolkien books in the house. Some of them are
my Dad's, but they've all wound up in my room.

     So, I live in the US, go to a small Catholic college, was homeschooled, and have nine younger siblings. I love J.R.R. Tolkien, and "Elavria" means "she who is forever babbling." It's a nickname my best friend gave me some years ago, and it's rather appropriate. I spent many, many hours in high school creating families of Elves and men, naming each member, and figuring out what they should wear.

     My favorite color is green, and I love clothes and the like just as much as any girl. I only wish that it were easier to find clothes that were both modest and tasteful.